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Accident Prevention

Accident Prevention 7

Workplace Violence

Violence in the workplace happens in just about every business across the nation and in every country. According to statistics, homicide is the third leading cause of occupational injury deaths in the United States. This program is designed to identify and how to prevent workplace violence and homicide. Train your employees for the signs of violence before they become statistics.

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Accident Prevention 8

I2P2: Injury and Illness Prevention Programs

This program on I2P2: Injury and Illness Prevention Programs provides employees with important information on how this organized approach to workplace safety can significantly reduce accidents and injuries, and how the workers themselves can play a major role in making the program work.

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Accident Prevention 9

Hazard Recognition

According to the insurance industry, government agencies and the NSC, most industrial accidents and injuries are attributed to unsafe acts of employees. This program provides the information employees need to help prevent accidents and injuries from occurring – by focusing on recognizing various unsafe acts and corrective methods.

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Accident Prevention 6

Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls… What could be more basic? And yet, slips, trips and falls are the #1 cause of employee accidents and injuries. When it comes to slip and fall injuries, no one wins. The GOOD news is that the vast majority of slips and falls, over 90%, are preventable incidents that can be avoided.

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Accident Prevention 11

Accident Prevention, Reporting & Investigation

True “accidents” are rare in the workplace. Research shows that most “accidents” are usually work-related “incidents”. The difference? An accident cannot be stopped from occurring whereas an incident can usually be prevented. Basically, almost all so-called “accidents” in the workplace are preventable, and need not happen. This program helps shows how.

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Accident Prevention 13

Accident Investigation

When accidents happen, it’s important to know why. Even when the reason seems obvious, the real cause may be more complicated. This Accident Investigation program provides employees with the information that they need to understand the goals of an accident investigation, the process itself, and how they can participate in the process to help make their workplace safer.

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Accident Prevention 15

Winter Safety

Wintertime brings us a lot to enjoy, from playing in the snow to decorating the house and celebrating the holidays. But winter brings some special hazards with it as well. This Program on “Winter Safety” reviews the hazards that winter can bring and discuss how to enjoy the season safely.

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Accident Prevention 16

Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety

Employees’ hands are their most valuable tools. Every day their hands, wrists and fingers are exposed to many different hazards, including cuts, bruises, burns and crushing injuries. This program reviews the hazards that employees may encounter in their workplace – and show them the equipment and safe work practices they can use to prevent injuries.

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Accident Prevention 17

Introduction to Industrial Hygiene

What does an Industrial Hygienist actually do? This course, “Introduction to Industrial Hygiene”, discusses how Industrial Hygienist’s look at the work environment, identify problems that could affect workers’ safety and health – and find ways to eliminate or alleviate those problems.

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Dark Ages of Safety

The Dark Ages of Safety

The Dark Ages of Safety program is great for its subtle humor and safety message. This program contains black and white footage from the National Archives showing the safety efforts from the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. It’s a non offensive, humorous, yet is a powerful safety motivator.

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Accident Prevention 18

Vehicle Inspection for Cars & Light Trucks

This video demonstrates various aspects of performing a pre-trip inspection, including common hazards, preventative maintenance checklists, brake and light tests and more. “Car and Light Truck Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection” is your answer on how to train your employees to do more than fill out their inspection sheet.

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Accident Prevention 19

Safety Housekeeping & Accident Prevention

This Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention course provides workers with the information they need to recognize on-the-job hazards and explain how they can prevent them. The DVD comes with a comprehensive leader’s guide, reproducible scheduling & attendance form, employee quiz, training certificate and training log.

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Accident Prevention 20

Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack

All too often, we hear about “active shooter” incidents… multiple shootings in nightspots, public areas… and workplaces. “Surviving an Attack” provides step-by-step explanations of the survival techniques that law enforcement agencies recommend to help people get through an active shooter incident alive and safely.

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Accident Prevention 21

A Million Excuses

This humorous program examines the “million” excuses offered by employees for not following established safety policies and procedures, not wearing personal protective equipment and for not using common sense on the job. This is a guaranteed attention-getter and a perfect meeting opener!

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Accident Prevention 23

Preventing Repetitive Motion Injuries

This short training program on preventing repetitive motion injuries covers the importance of ergonomics and how tasks requiring repetitive motion in light industrial workplaces can impact your health. It also explores how non-work activities can contribute to these injuries. Most importantly, this video offer ways to help prevent these types injuries.

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Accident Prevention 7

Workplace Violence

Violence in the workplace happens in just about every business across the nation and in every country. According to statistics, homicide is the third leading cause of occupational injury deaths in the United States. This program is designed to identify and how to prevent workplace violence and homicide. Train your employees for the signs of violence before they become statistics.

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Accident Prevention 8

I2P2: Injury and Illness Prevention Programs

This program on I2P2: Injury and Illness Prevention Programs provides employees with important information on how this organized approach to workplace safety can significantly reduce accidents and injuries, and how the workers themselves can play a major role in making the program work.

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Accident Prevention 9

Hazard Recognition

According to the insurance industry, government agencies and the NSC, most industrial accidents and injuries are attributed to unsafe acts of employees. This program provides the information employees need to help prevent accidents and injuries from occurring – by focusing on recognizing various unsafe acts and corrective methods.

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Accident Prevention 6

Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls… What could be more basic? And yet, slips, trips and falls are the #1 cause of employee accidents and injuries. When it comes to slip and fall injuries, no one wins. The GOOD news is that the vast majority of slips and falls, over 90%, are preventable incidents that can be avoided.

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Accident Prevention 11

Accident Prevention, Reporting & Investigation

True “accidents” are rare in the workplace. Research shows that most “accidents” are usually work-related “incidents”. The difference? An accident cannot be stopped from occurring whereas an incident can usually be prevented. Basically, almost all so-called “accidents” in the workplace are preventable, and need not happen. This program helps shows how.

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Accident Prevention 13

Accident Investigation

When accidents happen, it’s important to know why. Even when the reason seems obvious, the real cause may be more complicated. This Accident Investigation program provides employees with the information that they need to understand the goals of an accident investigation, the process itself, and how they can participate in the process to help make their workplace safer.

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Accident Prevention 15

Winter Safety

Wintertime brings us a lot to enjoy, from playing in the snow to decorating the house and celebrating the holidays. But winter brings some special hazards with it as well. This Program on “Winter Safety” reviews the hazards that winter can bring and discuss how to enjoy the season safely.

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Accident Prevention 16

Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety

Employees’ hands are their most valuable tools. Every day their hands, wrists and fingers are exposed to many different hazards, including cuts, bruises, burns and crushing injuries. This program reviews the hazards that employees may encounter in their workplace – and show them the equipment and safe work practices they can use to prevent injuries.

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Accident Prevention 17

Introduction to Industrial Hygiene

What does an Industrial Hygienist actually do? This course, “Introduction to Industrial Hygiene”, discusses how Industrial Hygienist’s look at the work environment, identify problems that could affect workers’ safety and health – and find ways to eliminate or alleviate those problems.

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Dark Ages of Safety

The Dark Ages of Safety

The Dark Ages of Safety program is great for its subtle humor and safety message. This program contains black and white footage from the National Archives showing the safety efforts from the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. It’s a non offensive, humorous, yet is a powerful safety motivator.

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Accident Prevention 18

Vehicle Inspection for Cars & Light Trucks

This video demonstrates various aspects of performing a pre-trip inspection, including common hazards, preventative maintenance checklists, brake and light tests and more. “Car and Light Truck Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection” is your answer on how to train your employees to do more than fill out their inspection sheet.

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Accident Prevention 19

Safety Housekeeping & Accident Prevention

This Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention course provides workers with the information they need to recognize on-the-job hazards and explain how they can prevent them. The DVD comes with a comprehensive leader’s guide, reproducible scheduling & attendance form, employee quiz, training certificate and training log.

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Accident Prevention 20

Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack

All too often, we hear about “active shooter” incidents… multiple shootings in nightspots, public areas… and workplaces. “Surviving an Attack” provides step-by-step explanations of the survival techniques that law enforcement agencies recommend to help people get through an active shooter incident alive and safely.

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Accident Prevention 21

A Million Excuses

This humorous program examines the “million” excuses offered by employees for not following established safety policies and procedures, not wearing personal protective equipment and for not using common sense on the job. This is a guaranteed attention-getter and a perfect meeting opener!

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Accident Prevention 23

Preventing Repetitive Motion Injuries

This short training program on preventing repetitive motion injuries covers the importance of ergonomics and how tasks requiring repetitive motion in light industrial workplaces can impact your health. It also explores how non-work activities can contribute to these injuries. Most importantly, this video offer ways to help prevent these types injuries.

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